February 29, 2008


It's been a long week, but MOST EVERYTHING has gone as scheduled!

What a change!

Sthrn Lgmt to Dwntwn Lgmt.

Sometimes you see yourself from the outside looking in, and I see that I'm seriously in need for an attitude check. You know when you walk by a glass, and you see your own reflection, but you don't notice the person looking back to be yourself? That's me looking in!

I've been glad that I work for the people that I do! In my mind anyway! They've helped me a lot along the way and for that I am very grateful!

I always hear the stereotype of working for lawyers! I work for some good men. They all have their nitches and quircks, just as I'm nitched and quircked!

ONE believes himself to be the Wizard of OZ! All mighty and Powerful! LOL, so funny! AND CUTE AT THE SAME TIME! White, black, and grey in-between!


I'm very glad that your long, long beginning is now the the beginning of the rest of your lives as a unit, a family... something you've been THE ENTIRE TIME! I'm so proud of you and how long you've stood to fight in your battle!
I can ONLY IMAGINE the hard, bumpy road. IT'S MORE THAN WORTH IT!


February 25, 2008

Electronics can be a blessing

I visited with Robert the other night on the cell phone. I'll sleep more at ease because I know he is well.

I hadn't seen anything from Andi for a few days, so while we were at a restaurant, I texted her and within a few seconds she responded. She promised to post more when her office move is complete.

Betty talked to Brenda tonight, and they have some good news on the horizon. She's going to send us a picture on her cell phone. I'll let Brenda tell us all about that.

Aubrey has finished her science project, and when she can, we'll let her tell us all about that.

I spend the day on the computer earning a living for my family. I am tired of bits and bytes by the end of the day, but I am compelled to spend just a bit of time and visit the blogs for news of my family. I love communicating with this media.

February 16, 2008

Lessons from the move...

Life sometimes provides me with learning experiences that I am not prepared for. When we were preparing to pack, I knew that I would have to reassemble my computers as quickly as we got into the new house. I carefully packed a box with all of the cables and accessories. I marked the box clearly so that we could find it when we got to the new house. The move was Saturday, a week ago today.

It went smoothly at first. The furniture was assembled and the perishable boxes were carried into the kitchen. I asked the movers to put all of the other boxes into the garage which they did.

The time came to assemble the computers, and I could not find that specially marked box. Frantically, I moved box after box. Betty's Dad was supportive, but was I was getting really frustrated. He went home and after being gone for just a few minutes, the phone rang. It was Betty's Dad. He told me he was impressed to tell me to look in the kitchen. I didn't want to be bothered because I was busy going through boxes in the garage. Just about then, Betty squealed that she had found the missing box.

I got the computers together just after the internet service provider came to hook up the cables. It would have been much easier to accept my Father-in-law's advice than to continue trying to do what I had been doing.

February 14, 2008

My Kids....

My Kids,

HATED having to have this picture taken. Can you tell?

If they would have been smiling, it would have been an awesome picture! What am I talking about? I still think it is an awesome picture. I am glad they were refusing to "pose" for me!

When they loosen up... they smile. When they stop to listen to the silence, you can see their light.

They all have their own personalities, and qualities. They have their strengths and weaknesses. They are pure in their nature and heart and they are MY ROCK!

They make me feel whole and I'm glad that they are my life!


February 11, 2008

Hannah's a Courtin!

Last year, Betty and I went up to visit Rob and Hannah. We went out to eat and Hannah was so well behaved. I jokingly asked Hannah if she had a boyfriend. She is just six years old, but she quickly responded that she did. Rob quickly told her that she did not. Hannah proceed to tell her daddy, "I do too have a boyfriend, he told me hey you pretty."

Hanna is a pretty little thing and she is going to be the cause of her daddy losing what little hair he has left.

February 09, 2008

Happy Birthday, Ashleigh

Happy Birthday, a day late, Ashleigh. We have your card, but didn't get it mailed in time. We love you.

February 07, 2008

A time when...

I remember a time while visiting Dad, and the Cousins were there!

I was so excited to see Cory, Marcy and Danette. ;-) They were always so much fun to "hang out" with!

Well, during that visit, we all decided to walk to Safeway! It was a family outing! Robert was always a head shorter than me. I was busy gabbing about something to the girls, and wasn't paying attention. I turned around and Robert had stopped just to the right of me. I knocked my beautiful little face, HAHAHAHA, into his noggin!
Ended up with a knot on my eye and later a black eye!

Mom allowed me to wear makeup to cover it! Went a little rampant with the clown's paint! lol

I'm thankful to have had Betty Ann in my life! She's really been there for us as a Mother and I'm grateful for her support in MY LIFE!

Oh, and I remember the excitement to see the adult, parental figures in their lives! Hope you two are doing well, Uncle Donny and Aunt Gloria!

February 05, 2008

From Ashleigh

Grandma and Grandpa,

I am student of the week. I get to show some things that are special to me on Friday, February 8, 2008, on my BIRTHDAY!

Yesterday was the 100th day of school!

I miss you!

I am bringing a picture of me and my cousins, oh and my brothers. :-)

From left to right in the picture I am taking is: Matthew, Me("Ash"), Griffin, Eleanor("Ellie"), Luke, Grayson("Gray") and Miles in my Grandma Gwen's backyard, "The woods, on the rocks". I love that picture!

I love you!

February 04, 2008


I wake up every morning with the thought! THIS BED IS SO WARM, I WANT TO STAY IN IT ALL DAY LONG!

However, I must get up and get ready for work, so I can make the cheese to support my babies!

I try to get ready but it doesn't always work out on time. I seem to drag my feet!

It's snowing today and I'm not looking forward to the commute back home! Our office is also making a change and I feel like dragging my feet on that one as well, but know that I cannot!

I wish you all a good day!