I joined Weight Watchers to improve my health. I have been making a half hearted attempt at following the program and have been getting just the results I deserve to get. Last week, I lost, but this week, I gained two and a half pounds. I lose weight and then gain it back again and I'm not doing myself much good.
I started an exercise program to improve my health. Having an obsessive compulsive personality has been no help. I started a spreadsheet where I could track my progress. For a while, I was really good at doing the exercises and tracking it. I was feeling better. I was proud of my progress and then gradually, I quit tracking. Without the tracking, it was easy to quit the exercise. There is nothing that helps me understand better what I am doing or what I am not doing like tracking it. An nothing helps me more to keep tracking than to share what I am doing.
According to my pedometer today, I have walked a total of 1,871 steps. That's a total of 1.12 miles. That's not very much activity. I did do 18 minutes of exercise. When I do my full exercise program as prescribed by my physical therapist. it's almost an hour. To be healthy, I need to be walking more and I need to do more exercise. I don't have to be perfect, but I need to set some realistic goals and I need to work towards them better than I have.