June 20, 2010

More Father's day thoughts

Church today has really made me think. We listened to three talks today about Fathers and Father's Day. I was touched by all three talks, but especially the talks by Brothers Harvey. They both talked about the four pillars of fatherhood: providing, teaching, leading, and loving.

I have thought about my on experiences as a father. I know that I failed my children in some ways. I can't go back and change my past or make up for the things I missed. I can, however, live each day doing my best as a father and as a grandfather to make these four pillars part of my life.

We have three living children and one who is longer with us. I have a very special place in my heart for each of them. I love each of them in a unique way and would feel a tremendous loss if any one of them were no longer part of my daily life.

I watch with awe as the girls face the challenges of their lives.

This has been a tough year for you, Brenda. My heart aches for you. I hope that I can lighten your burden somehow or share it with you and Tim. I marvel at your faith and at your courage.

Andrea, I know that raising three children as a single mom is not an easy thing to do. It was so rewarding to share one of Matthew's milestones as he graduated from high school. The years have gone so quickly! It has been so fun to watch your little boys, Matthew and Luke, become young men, and it is fun to watch you interact with them. I learn from you as I watch you with Ashleigh. Your love for her is an example to me. Thank you so much for your Fathers' day gift Saturday. I think the most precious gift you can give is your time. I will try to remember that.

Rob, I was so happy to see you at Andi's house. It took a burden from my heart to know where you are and how you are doing. I love you.

Eddie, We haven't forgotten you. Our love for you is as strong as the days we came to your home to visit with you.

Having the four of you in my life is one of the greatest joys I have ever experienced. I know that you feel the same about your children.


Andrea said...

Dad, you have been a stone for my otherwise sand foundation! I love you and you have more than bee a wonderful father to me. You have also been my friend! I appreciate you and am grateful to have you in my life!

Kent said...

Andrea, you are a jewel in my "crown" of parenthood. I am grateful for you and for our relationship too. I cherish you.