March 07, 2009

The Winds of Change

I am not a person that deals well with change. Moving from one house to another is unsettling for me. Changing home teachers or bosses at work is always uncomfortable to me. I like things that are routine. When the environment or the expectations change, I go through a period of uneasiness and adjustment.

I am facing changes in my life right now. Because of the economy, there have been resource actions at work. Many of the people that I have learned to feel comfortable with are no longer with the company. They are being replaced by people who are new at the job and have an unfamiliar way of approaching their work. There has been an announcement that the boundaries of our ward at church will be changing. That too means unfamiliar terrain.

Tomorrow may well be the last day that I get to attend the ward that I have learned to love.

It makes me think of a time many years ago when Betty and I had just moved to Longmont. I wanted to be in a ward where we could have a bishop that we loved and trusted. We attended three sacraments in one day so that I could decide which I could work with. We found the perfect ward and the perfect bishop. Bishop Detro was a kind, compassionate man. We found a home within the boundaries of his ward. We were just settling in when Bishop Detro was released and Bishop Kamigaki was called as bishop. I was not happy. Time was a good teacher. Bishop Kamigaki became a trusted Bishop and a loyal friend.

The ward we live in today has been led by two wonderful bishops in the time we have lived here. Each man is different, but both were inspiring leaders. As executive secretary for the ward, I worked closely with both and came to love and respect them both.

I don't know what the future holds, but I know that wherever we attend church and whoever is the bishop, it will be the right man and the right place for us. We'll find out next Sunday. I know too, that whatever the job environment, if I do my best, I can sleep at night because my conscience will be clear. I am anxious, but I know that if I am supportive and do my part, it will be a good change.


Larry said...

I wish you well in the future. I too do not like surprises and things to be outside my influence.

Unknown said...

Change is not easy, but there have been many things in my life that have changed. I am thankful for the steadiness of the gospel and knowing that it doesn't change. I'm also thankful for the constancy of our family. The love we have for each other does not change.

Andrea said...

Change is hard and sometimes when change happens seeking out the same kinds of things holds a person back. I'm grateful for many of the changes that have happened in my life as they have helped me grow and learn.

I love you Dad!

Gloria said...

changes vs growth hummm... have you ever heard the story about 'who moved the cheese'? it is about changes and how we accept it.

Kent said...

I can't say that I have ever heard the story.

Kent said...

Sunday, they had the last ward meeting for Colorado Springs 7th ward. Next week, we will learn what our new ward will be.

I handed my keys to the Bishop Sunday. I am going to miss working with Bishop Robison. He's a good man.