October 28, 2010

I spent the day with Noah and Ellie

Betty stayed at Brenda's and Tims as I came home to take care of things at home. I dreaded the long drive home alone. I thought that the day would go better if I listened to an audio book as I drove. My choice was The Notebook by Nicholas Sparks. It was a delightful experience.

The book touched notes in my heart today more effectively than any book I've ever heard. As Noah described his love for his sweet Ellie it helped me consider my own relationship with my wife. As he described his conversation with his children, it strengthened my feelings for my family. The language and imagery was delightfully creative. A trip that took a whole day seemed to go quickly. It was a day very well spent.


Unknown said...

I see that you are home. I think the ride was better because you were tuned in to a loving message. How is our Aubrey? I am so proud of you Kent. You are special. Love, Mom

Danette said...

Now you will have to watch the movie.

Danette said...

Now you will have to watch the movie.

Kent said...

I've seen the movie. It didn't move me like the book did. I enjoyed getting into the main Character's head as he learned to deal with life's challenges. It couldn't have come at a better time for me.