May 02, 2011

Beginning my last month.

The branches of the weeping willow sway in the breeze. Their flexibility allows them to move and adapt as atmospheric changes come. More rigid trees snap and break under the pressure of winds.

I too am being the given an opportunity. My life is changing and I can either flex with change of employment opportunities. What are the things that I need to do to prepare for life after my life with the same employer for over a quarter of a century?

I am facing the future with eager anticipation and with some trepidation. What things will remain and which will be discarded to lighten the load? What things are wants, and what are necessities. Time will tell.


Larry said...

The wants and the necessities can be identified more readily in a crisis. Time does not always afford us with the crisis that is necessary to differentiate the two. Hopefully you will never have to experience the difference.

Andrea said...

Change is GOOD! Ride the wave! Love you Dad! I'm DAMN proud of you man!


Unknown said...

I like the way you comment. You have talent. Mom