June 22, 2011

A new trail buddy

 Twelve years ago, Betty and I bought a Sheltie puppy at a pet store.  Many told us that it was a horrible mistake, but we named him Brewster Dogburn and showered our love on him.  Once we took him though obedience training and got him the medical attention he needed, he was a wonderful pet.  For over ten years, he was a member of our family and we loved him.  When he died, he left a hole in our hearts and we swore that one day we would replace him.

The opportunity finally came.  We got news that this cute little guy was available from an animal rescue.  We picked him up Monday, and the adventure begins.

Since he's not a puppy, he comes with some challenges, and we have some serious training to do.  He knows his name, but he doesn't always respond as I would like.  This little guy eats like a horse and his manners are almost absent.  He barks at every dog or person that  he sees.  He is persistent with his need to play and isn't as affectionate as we would hope. We just might find that Caesar Milan's programs just might prove useful after all.

Today was our third day.  He has been walking with me at least once a day.  He keeps me moving.  He's good for my heart in more ways than I anticipated.

July is going to be a busy month for us.  We need to get this little fellow ready to meet our family.  He's sweet, but rebellious; playful but determined.  

He comes pre-named and he knows his name well, so that's the name we will use with him as well.  His name is Corin.  We were told that is the name of one of the characters from Tales of Narnia by C.S. Lewis. 


Jeanette said...

I am sure that with you and Betty helping Corin the training will be successful. Your love, concern and care will be felt and responded to in a good way.

Kent said...

I appreciate your confidence in us.

Unknown said...

I am glad for you to have a pet. All of us need to be needed and loved.

Unknown said...

My comment quit before I did. Happiness is so important and it helps to have reasons. A pet is special if you love them. Mom

Danette said...

"Growth is attained through an exchange of the old for the new, of the good for the better.
We cannot obtain what we lack if we tenaciously cling to what we have." Charles Haanel
I had to share this awesome quote with you!

Kent said...

Thanks for the quote. I too think it's an awesome quote.