June 11, 2011

Week two of retirement

Today was the end of week two and I thought I would be able to sit back and chill out.  That hasn't been the case.  I've been busy with yard work, medical appointments, insurance appointments, and the honey-do list.  I find that at the end of each day, I have items on my daily to-do list that I haven't gotten accomplished. 

The lawn is mowed, the flower beds have been weeded and I have spread fertilizer.  There is still a long list of tasks that need to be done in the yard and in the house. 

I have enjoyed spending time with Betty.  I've also enjoyed the looser schedule.  I have enjoyed taking longer for lunches. long walks and an occasional phone conversation with a more relaxed tone.

I have rededicated myself to my weight loss program, and it is already showing up at the scale. 

I think that the thing that I enjoy most is being able to work and live by my own schedule.  I enjoy sleeping late and I enjoy staying up late if I want to watch an old movie.


Unknown said...

I knew that you would enjoy your free time. I look forward to some of it. Mom

Jeanette said...

I'm glad you are still working. If retirement was only about relaxing and taking it easy I think we would prefer to not do it. Maybe we prefer not to anyway. You should be a temple worker.

Kent said...

Today found me on my knees with a scrub brush working over the kitchen floor. There is a sense of satisfaction one gets from accomplishing something worthwhile.

Before I become a temple worker, I need to get my recommend replaced. The last one disappeared in the washing machine. Only the protective cover survived. I would enjoy the temple.

Larry said...

HOw is the garden? Are you still doing the square patch garden?

Kent said...

We have a minimal garden this year. The Square Foot Garden will be waiting till next year. We are tired of feeding the deer. We need to get covers built for the squares so that we can harvest some of our own vegetables.

Unknown said...

I have a good garden. I harvested beets, squash, onions and lettuce for dinner today. How is everyone? I don't see anyone on my blog. I miss that. Mom

Unknown said...
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