May 25, 2008

A Tornado in the Vance house about 1980

When Robert and Andrea's mother and I were younger, we purchased a set of "Living Scriptures". We were trying to be faithful at reading them each night. Better said, we were trying hard to listen to the recorded stories as we followed along in the printed version.
One night as we were listening we heard the sounds associated with a Tornado. Since the kid's mother grew up in tornado country, she knew just what to do. We turned the recorder off and grabbed Robert and Andrea. We lined the tub with quilts and wrapped them both in bed clothing and stayed for a while with them in the bathroom.
When enough time had passed, we went outside and checked out the night sky. It was green and wet, but we didn't see any turning in the clouds. We were both sure that the kids would be safe in their own beds.
We got them both in bed and went back to our "Living Scriptures". As we turned on the recorder, the tornado sounds started again. We both felt rather silly, but we had had a good drill in case we ever had to face the real thing.


Andrea said...

I remeber that night! It was kind of fun to be laying in the bathtub while the lighting outside was fierce. However, I don't remember getting into the bathtub, but waking up there. I rember looking into my bedroom and seeing Mom franticly trying to find clothes to put in the tub with us, or maybe that's what I thought she was doing!!

The radio was on the ledge of the tub so that we could hear what the weather man had to say!

Kent said...

There was a rainstorm that night, but I don't think there was a tornado. If there was, it's interesting that we heard a warning on a recorded tape, not on the radio or TV.

Larry said...

Just a couple days ago I had to answer the front door for Jeanette because there was a doorbell sound on TV.

Unknown said...

Looking back is sometimes fun, when the reality wasn't so fun.

Larry said...

The only thing to fear is fear itself. What makes something fun? We were just trying to have a little fun.