May 08, 2008

Trigger finger

It's official. I'll be going in on the 29th of this month to have my hand operated on. I had heard of carpal tunnel, but I had never heard of the trigger finger syndrome. My right thumb is involved and it's quite painful first thing in the morning. Once I've iced it, taken some Aleve for the pain and Advil to get the the inflamation down, it's tolerable.
It's only a 15 minute procedure, but my hand will be out of commission for a week afterward. Some people will do anything to get out of work!!
The human body is a marvelous creation! When everything is working, we don't give it much thought, but when something malfunctions, we realize just how much we depended on it. I have found that I have really gotten dependent on my right hand, especially my thumb.


Larry said...

It sounds like you will make your weight loss target this year. Too bad it has to be by taking out a little piece at a time.

Unknown said...

When are you having the procedure done? Surgery sounds so hard, but if it helps you. It is best to do it soon. I live and appreciate you so.

Unknown said...

I meant Love you.

Kent said...

The operation is scheduled for May 29th. I don't know what time yet. I'm glad my mother loves me.

Larry said...

When is your surgery?

Kent said...

It is scheduled for this Thursday. I need to call in tomorrow to get the exact hour. It should be done and over by the time you get here. I will be glad when I can button my clothes up and write with a pen again. It will be immobilized for a week.

Larry said...

We'll check on you tomorrow night.