I was asked, "Is she yours?"
She is and couldn't be more.
While my blood flows not in her veins,
To see her struggle brings me such pains!
As a baby, she cooed and wriggled with such art,
Instantly she won a place in my heart
And with this she became mine
As if she were my blood line.
Her beautiful eyes do twinkle and shine
As she tells her grandpa of her latest books.
She's reeled me in with no line or hooks.
My heart holds no doubt she's mine.
I've watched her develop and grow
Into a beautiful young maiden.
I had no way to know
Our souls would be so laden.
Her family was given a gift divine
To teach, to train to have for a time.
I know that God, for her has a plan.
Because of her, I'm a better man.