March 21, 2008

We're off to Longmont tomorrow

We are going to Longmont tomorrow for the wedding of Tonya Martinez and her beau. We'll be coming right back to be with Popo for Sunday. He really did not want to be alone on Easter Sunday.
This Martinez family are wonderful people that Betty and I met when we were working as missionaries in the Spanish branch in Longmont. They are from the part of Mexico where I served my mission almost 40 years ago. Seeing people from Torreon is as exciting as seeing people from Manassa.
We'll be staying the night with another Martinez family. They are from Honduras and have become really close friends. We always enjoy visiting with each other even though at times, we get lost somewhere in the language barrier. Sometimes understanding the words doesn't help understand the message that's being conveyed. The one thing that we do understand is the love that we feel for each other.
It's hard to accept the fact that we cannot turn the clock back, and we can never go home to the home of our childhoods. It's fun to reminisce and share memories, but we are where we are and we are when we are.


Unknown said...

Going home to our childhood would be fun for a while, but that would mean that we would have to live our life again and I for one do not want to do that. I only want to go forward. Memory is a great substitute for going back. Good memories are a great blessing. I hope all of my family have memories that build strong feelings.

Larry said...

We only have the present, but it is molded by the past and designed for the future.