August 08, 2008


It's two in the morning and I am writing on the blog because I can't sleep. I've given Betty a hard time for ages because she has been up wandering about the house in the middle of the night. I'd be watching TV, but Aubrey and Chloe are using the living room as a bedroom while they are here visiting.
I have heard people say that you should stay in bed if you can't sleep, but it just isn't working for me. I lay there listening to the clock tick. It's in the bedroom because it was keeping Brenda awake. Betty is snoring lightly. Normally I can sleep through it, but tonight it's too much.
I would read, but I'm afraid that the light will wake the kids.
If I take sleep aids, then I'll be groggy all day tomorrow.
Aging is a pain in the neck!


Andrea said...

Insomnia is no fun! I love to sleep and when I cannot, I am not a happy person!

Thank you for posting Pictures of Robert!!! He was such a cute little boy!

I love you!


Larry said...

Sometimes I like it when you get insomnia because I get a peek into your psyche.