August 02, 2008

A visit from our daughters

There is a motorcycle rally going on in Sturgis, South Dakota. It isn't the best environment for growing girls. Brenda decided to bring her girls and come to visit us in Colorado Springs. Betty has been anxious to see Brenda and her girls.

Chloe saw a pincher bug, and didn't like it. The ran to tell her mommy with "eeww, mommy" kill it!.
Her tune changed when she found a rolly polly bug to play with and put into a pill box.

Aubrey said, "hello, Grandma, I love you, can I use your computer, I wanna get a webkin, can I huh?"

Grandma said, "Hello, I love you too, you can use the computer later, what's a webkin?"

Everyone was just settling down when there was a knock at the door and Brewster started barking. Grandma yelled at the dog and told him to quit barking. When he wouldn't settle down, she answered the door and boy was she surprised!!

Who was at the door, but Andrea! She was in Colorado Springs on an errand so she and Ashleigh decided to stop by and say hello.
The boys didn't come with her. Matthew didn't feel like coming, and Luke didn't get asked.

Luke was a bit surprised that Mom came to the Springs without him. He texted her to let her know how he felt. He wasted no words.

Brenda said, "Why Andrea, I haven't seen you forever, how are you, where are the boys? have you met Chloe before? How's work? Are you still working at the same place?

Grandpa was glad to see all of his girls, but felt somewhat ovewhelmed because he was outnumbered by these fast talking funny faced women. I wonder where they get it?


Larry said...

An estrogen rich environment can be daunting. All is good until the etherial communications trigger a unanimous and spontaneous surge of negative energy transfer on the lone male.

Kent said...

Yes, testosterone deprived surrondings are discouraging. When illogical and emotional tidings are shared instantly and without conscious thought or decision on a solitary male, all is not well. The solitary male can search everywhere and not find a single unit positive energy or humor.

Curse those hormones!

Brenda said...

I must say, it is all in your perspective.....just ask those who are rich in estrogen and they'll tell you that it's the slow, insensitive and totally whacked out demeanor of those who wallow in testosterone.

Try as they may, the testosterone tuffies will never understand.....

Kent said...

It is a pleasurable pursuit to find common ground is it not?

Unknown said...

Kent, thanks for bringing it down to my level. I think the girls are sweet. I love all of them.

Brenda said...

Tis true of the pleasurable pursuit. It's just too much fun giving you guys a hard time!!

Kent said...

Mom thinks girls are sweet. I always knew she loved Bonnie Lynn more than she loved us boys. :>(

Larry said...

It looks the estrogen got the best of everyone. I can see the evidence on the faces.