February 01, 2009

In Memory of Eddie

Ed was an easy going boy who always loved to play with his army men and motorcycles. He would play for hours by himself making all these sounds like motorcycles. His mom used to love to cuddle with him in the rocking chair and he sure would snuggle up close. He was happy go lucky and had a great sense of humor. His friends called him "the gentle giant". He was a big boy for his age and grew to 6' 6" tall. He loved cats and I remember one time he called me & wanted our help cause his dad stepped on his kitty's head and he was afraid it was going to die. Kent & I hurried over to his house and here he is, this kid with such a HUGE hand holding the tiny little kitty with watery eyes afraid his kitty wasn't going to make it. We rushed to the vet and he saved the kitty's life. Ed was grateful that his kitty made it.

When he was 10 yrs old he was diagnosed with bone cancer in his left leg and he had surgery and 2 years of chemo therapy. I remember him telling his dad and I not to worry that it was going to be okay.

Ed loved the Pittsburgh Steelers, so today, Ed, we are rooting for the Steelers just for you!. Ed loved to imitate people and he was pretty good at it.

I remember one of our phone conversations that he was telling me how much he missed his sister.

I remember one time when Andi and Matthew and Kent & I went to visit him & he held Matthew. Matthew was a baby then, but he thought Matthew was a cute baby.

Any way, Ed we love you and everyone who knows you misses you.


Kent said...

I remember a time, late at night that Eddie called in pain. We took him to the emergency room and he had a kidney stone. He was considered a juvenile because of his age and they put him in a juvenile bed.

I still chuckle inside when I conjure up the mental image of big ole Eddie with his head hanging off of one of the bed and his feet hanging off the other end of the bed. Behind him on the wall was a hanging of Big Bird.

It seems that they could have given him the dignity of putting him in a full sized bed.

Andrea said...

Eddie was very sweet! Robert and I were proud that he was our step-brother!

Unknown said...

I feel that Ed and Brenda are my grandchildren. It is good to remember them and know that the time will come when we will be together again. I wish I had time with Brenda and her family. They are too far away.

Brenda said...

Yes, Eddie was our "gentle giant." I always got a kick out of calling him my "little brother." Of course, I knew I was referring to his age instead of his stature. People would always say, "you need to call him your YOUNGER brother and not your LITTLE brother." I liked to say that just to get a rise or a chuckle out of people.

Kent, if I recall correctly, maybe it was one of the other times he went into the hospital and the same thing happened. They finally decided to try and find him an adult size bed, but it took them awhile to round one up, because most of the beds were full! Poor Eddie just had to lay there and try to endure until they could get him in a bigger bed.

Thank you Gatha. Yes it is difficult spending time when the distance is so great. We appreciate all your contact and for thinking of us at Christmas. It is very sweet of you! THank you!