February 01, 2009

Betty's teachers

Well, I shall attempt to remember some of my teachers. I've pretty much forgotten K 1st,2nd, and 3rd teachers, but I do remember I had to take 1st grade over. I really loved school and I do remember my 4th grade teacher, Mrs. Jumper. She was very slender & always had a smile & positive attitude. My 5th grade was Miss Strowig..very slender tall lady & was probably in her 50's or 60's at the time. We did square dancing in her class & did I love that!! I got kind of close to her & it caused us some problems. She gave me an "A" in math on my report card. Mom knew how I was in math & she knew there was now way I could have made an "a"...homework and math tests were d's & f's. Mom went to the school and talked to the teacher & she admitted she was so fond of me she wanted to give me an "a", but she had to change it to a "d". Thank goodness for a mom who wanted to make sure I really earned that "a". Next report card, I did honestly get it up to a "c". I think she was my very favorite teacher (because of the square dancing) and I just loved her.

My 6th grade was Mrs. Tanilien. She taught Spanish and I always made straight a's in it. She could speak Italian & Spanish, of course she was Italian. I remembered her telling our class one time when she was traveling and she met someone who spoke only Spanish and she spoke only Italian and they could converse well together.

My 7th grade was Mr. Stancato, he was also Italian. He taught Life's Problems and I remember him telling us that there was no harder thing to do than to raise a child. I thought he was being ridiculous, but later on in life found out he was abstolutely correct. No manual comes with those babies.

Mr. Ledbetter was my 8th grade typing teacher and I sat in the far back of the class and a boy sat the table next to me and was always borrowing paper from me. One day we were getting ready to type and he asked me if he could borrow some paper, and as I rolled my eyes & was going to had him some paper my teacher stepped in between the two tables & grabbed the paper and handed it to me and he told the boy he would no longer be borrowing any more paper and that he would come to class with his own paper or he would fail the class. He always came with his own paper after that. Pretty cool teacher. That's all I can remember right now, but I sure did love school and during the summer I worked ad as a PBX operator and did typing and filing in the school office. I earned enough money to buy my parents their first Polaroid camera. They were suprised.

When I graduated from highschool I bought my first car, but dad would do the work on it, if it needed repairs, but I had to pay for the parts. My parents were very good teachers in many ways.


Kent said...

I thought you went to school in a one room school and wrote on slate tablets!

Betty Ann said...

Oh! I thought that was you! You old fart!

Andrea said...

I think that it is wonderful that your parents watched out for you to be responsible! It's helped me! :D