January 31, 2009

He bore my burden

Nearly twenty five years ago, I sat in the day room of the hospital. In front of me was a table covered with unassembled puzzle pieces. It was so like my life that was in a thousand pieces. Through watery eyes, I stared at the table trying to make sense of what was going on in my life. The unassembled puzzle was such a perfect symbolization of my life. I was overwhelmed by the task before me and couldn’t see a way to put my life back together again.

Through tear filled eyes, I sat and watched as the shadows lengthened. Night would come. I had it all planned out, but the moment had not yet come.

I looked up, and John stood beside my table. I didn’t expect anyone to come, but he was there. He sat across the table from me and I hung my head in shame. What could I say to make the situation better? He placed his hand on mine and invited me to share my burden with him. Between sobs, I explained what was happening, and what I felt.

Just as I licked the salty tears from my lips, I looked up. Tears were streaming down his face just as they were on mine. John listened as I poured out my soul, and he truly helped me bear my burden.

When I had shared all that I had in my heavy heart, John helped me see that the only through this difficult period in my life was through it. Ending my life would not solve my problems, but I didn’t know what would.

It was a long dark night, but morning came. John returned a number of times to visit and encourage me. His unconditional support did not fail. He came and shared my burdens with me, and with time I was stronger.

I moved to another city, and have lost contact with John. I will be grateful with him for the rest of my life for his help in my darkest hours.


Danette said...

IT times like those that we know we are not alone. I think it's interesting how God set up family and friends, now matter where you are in life there is at least one of these to help you feel comforted (as long as you can see they are there)I love the saying that says God wants us to succeed more than we do. Learning and growing can definitly be painful, but we are not alone.

Kent said...

That has really been true for me. There have been some really good friends and family in my life that continue to help me progress.

Gloria said...

I gave a lesson today on consecrating ourselves, in the lesson it mentioned that Jesus never, never, never lost his focus. How grateful I am that his atonement is there to help us all come back and strive again. to have him there for us when we get so low, then put his arm around us and lift us up. I hope we all can feel that love, and be there to be his instrument for others where others have helped us. We are glad you are there Kent. You are an example for us.

Betty Ann said...

Yes, Kent you are a wonderful example for us. Through the 22 years we have been married, I have seen the Saviour work many many times in your life and he helped you through many tribulations. You are so awesome, I love you

Kent said...

Betty, you have been a big part of the changes that have taken place in my life. I am so grateful for your desire to be good and your influence on me to do the same.

Unknown said...

Kent, I have admired the great effort you have put into living your life to please the Savior and all of us. Those dark days were dark for us too. I have watched the struggle you have made to be as good a person as you can be. Nona told me once that the problems you had were almost impossible to overcome. I have watched you be a wonderful son and a good father. I love you as a Mother loves a righteous son.

Kent said...

Isn't it wonderful to be part of a loving family?