January 23, 2008

We're being downsized!

In my industry, being downsized us usually a bad thing. It means that jobs are going away or that an unwelcome move is about to take place.

On the first of February, Betty and I will have a new address. We found a nice little two bedroom home not too far from where we live now. We are cleaning out closets and drawers frantically trying to determine where we can pitch or sell belongings so that we will fit in our new environment.

We have really enjoyed living in our current home and we have enjoyed the beautiful view. We decided though, that a smaller house and smaller bills would meet our needs better. We'll keep you posted.


Jeanette said...

What a job. I'm glad you found another place though. I wish I was there to help. Love ya, JCV

Brenda said...

I'm anxious to see your place! It sounds cute! It is sure hard downsizing...we have to do that periodically in the house we live in now! ha! Wish I was there to help you with the packing and unpacking! What a job it is! Know that I'll be thinking of you on moving day!!!

Betty Ann said...

Thanks, wish you were hear to help to. Several of the sisters in the ward came and helped and our home teachers.

Packers came and finished the inside of the house yesterday. Tomorrow is the BIG DAY. We will really miss this home, but our other place will be cute when I get through with it.

Larry said...

I hope all has gone well with the move. What are you doing? How is work? What is the new address?

I love you.


Andrea said...


I hate the thought of moving my home!! :-(

WHAT IS THE NEW ADDRESS. Betty Ann, you're going to need a good massage! Hot bath? The whole family to come and visit!? :-) SEND PICTURES!!!!!

Larry said...

I would hate to move now. We have way too much stuff. (JUNK)

Kent said...

I am not enjoying the downsizing, but I do enjoy the new house. The garden is beautiful, the neighbors are wonderful. It almost feels like coming home.

I wish that this was the last move we ever had to make, but I know that there will be at least one more move.