With an eraser, I can make modifications to whatever I am creating. Those modifications can make the difference between a good creation and something that is not worth the effort.
There have been times in life when I needed an eraser. I did and said things that I wished that I could undo. I have made choices that I wished later that could unmake.
We have been provided with just an eraser on the pencil of our lives. We are able to make needed changes. That eraser is repentance. Jesus Christ came to the earth and paid the price for our sins. I am grateful for his gift to us that allows us to make changes in our lives.
That was a wise analogy. How important it is to repent or to undo some of the mistakes that we make. I feel that I make far too many mistakes. One of the things that I have regretted is that I haven't stayed as close to my children and grandchildren as I should have. I love all very much, but how will anyone know that if I haven't let them know. I love my family more than my life, but how would you know that?
Sometimes, mistakes are not unduable leaving a large mark on the paper, flesh, memory, emotion, as it sends a ripple out like a water drop. But for those with the tools, mistakes can be mended with LOTS of care!
Even the large marks on the paper can be repaired and cleaned up. It takes some real effort.
The marks on our memories and our flesh are difficult. I love you and regret the marks and hurts that I have had a part in. Please know that I love you with all of my heart and want to be able to make things right.
I'll give LOTS of love and care to mending and healing. That too can send ripples out like a water drop.
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