November 29, 2008

Thirty Days of Gratitude - Day 17 - My Little Brother

Some say we look alike. There was a time in our lives that people kept mistaking each of us for the other. I have threatened to buy a cap that says "I am not Larry" and buy him a similar one that says "I am not Kent".
I enjoyed him and his family when they lived in Littleton. It was so fun to visit his home and see the things that he was doing to try and teach his children. He would put his arm around me and tell his children, "This is my Brother and I love him." I knew he meant it, and it motivates me to be better.
The picture above is of my little brother and I love him. He is a man of integrity. He works hard to meet the commitments he has made in his life. He made a commitment to write to his family, and for months and months he sent us a letter detailing the progress of his family. When he believes something to be true or right or worthwhile, he strives for it even though it is difficult or unpopular. I love my brother and would follow him anywhere. I am grateful for his example.


Kent said...

I have a picture of your beard in July, and one in September. What does it look like now?

Danette said...

Larry sent me a letter and twenty dollars every month for I don't know how long when I was a college student. It surprised me that he would do such a thing. I was thankful! He and his wife are very generous.

Andrea said...

I enjoyed Larry's Family letters. He challenged me to write about my family to him in order to get a family letter from him! I've NEVER been good at keeping in touch, so I would only get the Christmas letter. I loved it just the same!

I miss not having Uncle Larry and Aunt Jeanette so close! It was fun to visit them in Littleton.